Wanted to tell you what we did during the four days that we spent at the Carrefour Europeen de Patchwork. Arriving at the house that Philippe rented was a miracle, I was so worried that I had gotten lost, but arrived just in front of the house with no problems. The house smelled like hunting camp, which to me is not bad, but to someone else........... Shopping for our dinner, etc, then back to the little house, unpack, dinner then off to dream land, I did sleep with the light on, really an old house with lots of strange noises. Off to St. Marie on Wednesday to set up, boy the car was full, but it all got in, Philippe set up the machine, the Liberty, and working quite well, (I was no help) but I did do the decorating of the booth, not bad for the first time. Looked pretty good. Claudia lent us a quilt that won first place for machine quilting, beautiful, so that made the set up complete. Play with the machine a little to get to know it, then say HI to all the guys around. Off ...