Patchwork in Juvignac today

Today is Monday, so Monday is Juvignac, the girls are working on the X blocks, so far this is what they have done.  Now two weeks of vacation!!!Lovely

This is Jeannine's, nice colors and great work for a young lady of 80!!!!

This one is Reneé's, as you can see no flowers,  great job.

Francoise, she is a little behind everyone, but will catch up over the vacation!!

Terese, all done, just needs to add the borders, this is her first quilt with the DMS. Great job

Marie Christine, hers I forgot to take a picture, but this is her last work.

The mannequins are getting there, all the applique is done, now for the settings.


Kathy Schwartz said…
I haven't even gotten my X-Block Rulers out of the packaging yet but you have given me some great ideas for fabric selection when I teach this to my guild members.
Love the mannequin appliqué too!
Rebecca said…
I have to make up that pattern. Are they making a wall hanging ???

What is the name of the mannequin pattern????? Ohhhh! that is a must have....

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