Four down

My list to do

1.   finish my apron
2.   finish by tulipes
3.   make Jean Pierres birthday present, long overdue!!!!
4.   finish my X blocks
5.   Start my poppy quilt
6.  Quilt at least 2 quilts!!!!  1 quilt!!!
7.  clean house
8.   plant flowers in the garden
9.  go fishing with hubby!!!!!
10.  finish rose quilt
forgot, have to finish my windows also!!!

One down, nine to go. 
How do you like it?

OK quilted, now the bias binding, the label, and a sleeve.
Had a great day!!!


Kathy Schwartz said…
Suzan your fabric choices are great! I still haven't tried my X-BLock rulers yet but I really like how yours turned out.
Rebecca said…
I agree with Kathy on your fabric choices. I Just bought a charm pack off ebay, April Cornell ... poetry, now for the rulers. I like how you quilted it.
Rebecca said…
What size are the blocks???
Suzan said…
rebecca, they finish at 6 inches

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