Easter Monday

Had a great day yesterday, hubby and I had a feasting for Easter dinner, I can say that our strawberry Tarte was giant for the two of us,  he did the shopping!!!!
but one thing, strawberry tarte for breakfast isn't that great!!!Didn't want it to go to waste!!!!
Well, I finally had the courage to finish my roses, and they are on the frame.  I am so, so with it, I should have used brown thread, and put a plain backing, but it is done, so here is a picture!!!
By the way, we had a storm this afternoon!!!Looks great.....


Rebecca said…
Those are neat roses. Look at all the quilting designs in that fabric. What a feild day you could have. I see swirly feathers in that fabric. So how are you going to quilt this???
Suzan said…
Rebecca, the fabric is way too busy, hard to see on it when I quilt so just did an allover flower and leaves, made a mistake, should have used brown thread, but we always learn with our mistakes....
I really stuffed the quilt around the flowers to roll it up, but the last border was so so, those roses are so thick!!!

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