Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Smmer is here.... ENJOY

 Vacation Time !

Here we are, it's already July, where did the days go....

 the 4th is over a,nd now we are waiting for the 14 of July to celebrate again.  

The garden is full of blooms and the bees are buzzing around kissing  the flowers and making them happy !!



My strawberry vanilla hydrangea is slowing getting a strawberry color !

it's supposed to look like this.... I HOPE!!


our first tomatoes..... yum yum !


and sewing in the garden !!




I made 25 blocks that are 7 1/2 inches,  I am going to put an eight inch border on and then my flower garden will be quilted and fininshed.   


I great project to use up all of but most likely a little part of your stash !  


Someone is working on the other project that I gave for the summer...


 Here is a few pictures of her progress ...

It is going to be beautiful ! 

 A wonderful evening sky to enjoy and guess what I found?