

What I have done over a year!! Two nice pillows with the curve system of  SEW KIND OF WONDERFUL                                                                                                                              My wild flower quilt !!  I will post a picture of it finished and on my wall, just love working in the garden when the weather is perfect !                       Santa, from the same authors, SEW KING OF WONDERFUL.  SO much fun to do !       New cushions for the patio furniture, with a little help of a friend.  Just love it,  Flamingo love !! Elephant ears, nice and b...

Vacation time is over !!

    Today I can say "thirty years in waiting"  is finished I had made a queen size quilt with these fabrics and I missed it so that I had started another but put it away for a rainy day.    So happy that I found the box many years later and was able to get it finished at last!! A nine patch or simple irish chain, so off I went with my box, and this is what it turned into.... I am so pleased, and it is big enought to use on the dining room table. I have a few squares left, maybe enought to make a place setting or something. The quilting design is from My Creative Stitches  Monday Patch Vacation time is over and we are back to our art!! Two of the gals have finished their giant wedding ring, one is ready to be quiltied and another is alread to go on the table.  Quilting in lines, it turned out really nice. Another double wedding ring but traditional  still lots of pieces to sew, but it is going to be beautiful ! Someone is starting her birds, ravens...


A little love for a special day  Geese again, there may be more!  This one is Marie Claude's This one is an oldie but a goodie.... a small quilt that we made in 2001  for the mayor of Palavas.  Do you remember girls?   An orphin block quilt, it will be great for a little table topper...  Better done than in a box waiting...   

Febuary already !

  Febuary is wedding month for us... It has already been 47 years and we are still together,  It seems like yesterday that we were fighting the elements in Vermont on our wedding day... Life is GOOD! Something new  Something old  and Something finished !! Lets start with something old,  Well my Dalhia quilt has been sent out to a friend (Jeffery) in California to be quilted.  He does beautiful quilting and is  such an wonderful awesome artist, I am so thankful for our friendship and all of the knowledge that  he shares with all.   Now, Something new  My granddaughter is also sewing and quilting with me.   How sweet is this,  it is wonderful to share things together... Something Finished   This is what we are doing in the quilting group,  We are missing someone, but hopefully she will be back soon,   We have been working on geese,   this is the placemats that one of the ladies finishe...

Hello !! it's been a long long time, but hope to be back soon ....


New pictures from the open house in Palavas...

  I was able to download these today... Enjoy !!