One of my favorite places to sew

My sewing room is upstairs, but in the summer it is rather HOT, so when I can I put my other sewing machine out, off we go, still have to run upstairs to iron!!  It's nice to be outside in my messy garden and look at the flowers and birds!!!

I can even sew at night, as long as it is just straight line sewing, My project is almost finished, just 14 more blocks to go and then the border.  WOW !!! I am praising myself, Good job Suz!!!!!


Rebecca said…
What a beautiful spot to sew, how fresh. I would love to sew in my season room but it has been so hot here.
You have a blue grill, so do I. I think we have the same taste...

What's your temp over there???

That's a pretty quilt your working on...
Rebecca said…
Your sewing space looks sooooo inviting. I decided to set up space up today.

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