Forgot to look in the mail box!!!

Yesterday I was so busy with Julia, didn't see the day go by, but this morning when I looked at my email I saw that someone got something in the snail mail, OH, I forgot to look, DH did you check the mail???  no!!!!!
To my surprise, here is what was in the box!!!!!!
I will be going to class, well in my dreams, but what a nice present,  now I have the feeling that I will be in class with everyone and enjoying a great wholecloth quilt class live.

This little Baltimore quilt I made for Mom for Mother's day and Birthday in 1990.
Some day I will post all of the quilts that I inherited, I did share, as she said, but I would have liked to take them all.  As I was looking at them and wondering who would like what I could hear her say,
 "don't be selfish"!!


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