Go FISH!!!!!

Well, here is my kitchen mess, have a hard time to cook, do holiday baking, and all that stuff, but maybe now everyone will understand!!!
Here are my boxes, in my bed room, out on the porch, and here there and everywhere, dishes here there and everywhere, but I did find my cupcake pans and brownie pan after an hour or so, had to find the flour, sugar and all that stuff too!!!!
Oh!!!!! my measuring cups are ..........
Then, a call, and what do we have now?????? parts of the kitchen arrived while I was trying to get my baking done, still missing a counter top, and .........
Well, the good looking guy there is Juju, just came back from Guadeloupe, looks like he needs a good shave!!!!
That guy makes my day!!
 Merry Christmas to all
OH!!!! and yes eveything has to go back in the boxes, can't fill the cupboards yet!!!!


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