"Live well and be happy"

Sorry I can't turn the picture, so you will have to looks sideways!!!!!
I am sure that we could turn them before!!!


Rebecca said…
You are whipping this quilts out so fast since you started longarm quilting. Did you make the applique too!! Did you quilt inside each little strip???
Suzan said…
Rebecca, No it is Regine's quilt, but it is the book that I taught with this year in Palavas.
You cannot imagine how I feel with the needle going up and down the quilt and my iminagition going with it, I love it, really I am so .....speachless, I just love it, even thought the quilt isn't mine I am so happy and sure of what I am doing to make it even better. Well, almost sure!!!! and each area is quilted not always with the same design, I used green thread for the sides and bottom and in the center I used linen color so not to take away from the applique, that is where the feathers are so you can see the texture and feel the movement without really seeing it!!!!

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