Côté patch Palavas today!!!

Lots of new things going on,  here is what we are starting, as you can see mine is not so oriental!!
Can you see the little birds?

Marie Paule finished her roses, it is from Australian Pachwork and Quiltings 

My new runner for the buffet, goes with my new tablecloth. Nice to make something and be able to
quilt it and bind it all in a week.
How lucky I am.


vivian said…
Love the table runner and the flowers! Are those from your garden?
Rebecca said…
I also love the table runner. The tulips are perfect with it. I can see the little birdies. That pattern will make for interesting quilting.
Suzan said…
No tulipes in the garden, but spring is here and I always try to have tulipes for the month. They last so long, and just love them.

rebecca, you can give me some ideas!

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