Grandmother's Flower Garden

I was reading Rebecca's Blog the other day, and of course there are always great ideas, well, she is doing her flower garden every Wednesday.  "Lights camera and action" as every quilter knows, there are things hiding out in our  work area..........Well, guess what was hiding for at least___years in my quilting room............
A flower garden!!!!!  I will try and finish one flower in my garden every Wednesday.
 I don't do the English paper piecing, I use a template and sew in rows.  I have just two colors for the flowers,  the yellow daisy fabric is in both.
 Hope that you will find your garden and join us every Wednesday.
Thanks Rebecca, you got me to get it going again.......


Rebecca said…
Thank you Suzan! They are Beautiful! I love the two colors too! I'll be watching hyour flower garden grow each

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