
Showing posts from December, 2017


December is here and is almost over. Birthdays, Christmas lunch with the girls, Christmas dinner with family  and finishing up some UPP, which are unfinished patchwork projects!! Well, it started on December 1st with a  real Christmas tree.   The first in many years, guess the fake one was to fake this year and too much of a job to get  it down, unpacked and set up.   We had a great time finding just the perfect one   WOW!! they are expensive!! But, remember... we only live once.... SO !  OH Christmas Tree!! Getting closer to Christmas and  It's my birthday !!  Celebrating...  lunch with the kids, big and small  Of course,  it wouldn't be Christmas without cookies!! This year cookie jars went out to all my special friends...  The butcher and all of his employees,  the paper girl, my two special florists and of course another special lady!!!...