
Showing posts from February, 2014

My turn.... almost done.... Happy happy Joy joy !!!

my spring twister..... Happy Happy, this one is for me.... Quilting away....

My quilting "studio"

A few of my QUILTING Friends..... There is Rebecca, Claudia, my Mom and I eating ice cream, Ines of course, and Philippe and I when we were in Houston... there are a couple of good friends missing, but that will be another post.... Love my quilting family... The quilt is "Storm at Sea" I have started making another... Love the "storms at sea"... live in a great place to see them.... WOW, it is going to be fun to get this place into a mess again..... Two Millie's for class.... Beginners class...

Lots of color... she is done... well, just have to take a double check before she goes home.... SMILES


SPRING is in the air !!!

Blue skies, and wonderful sweet scents in the air..... Twister.... really makes it spring.... fun to work on this week....

QUILT ON... Love it.... :-)


SMILES.... she has gone home....


Homemade Banana Pudding...... and a little spring

      Tulips from Mauguio....and not Holland.....

The black is done, now on to the gold.... Hope !!! ENJOY!!


Cathederal Window today with Country Patchwork
