
Showing posts from 2013

Merry Christmas to all


Christmas Lunch with the girls.... Pictures are not good!!! Sorry Plus four pictures from Annick.... Merci....

    Everyone made something, I did the table... pink of course..... pink and silver and white.... We will have to do something with the chairs next year!!!! Orange is not my color...   Looks funny but Pink packaging!!!   Homemade Whoopie Pies.....         PS.  Scanner and IRM tout bon!!! si tu a des photos envoie moi les...... Merci les filles                      A few pictures from Annick.... MERCI......

My birthday cake....

          The boys made me a great cake for my birthday... I even had "Cars" candles on  it for everyone to blow out.....  

Christmas befor Christmas.... Lots of surprises and laughs..... Great group of gals....

    Everything I need to take a beauty bath and more.... but that I won't tell !!!!  

Holiday Lunch with the girls, but first class...... :-)
