
Showing posts from October, 2010

Can you believe this!!! It was in a box in pieces until yesterday.

In a box in pieces for over twelve years, and now here it is finished!  I am really surprised, it was in great shape and even the pins didn't rust.   I suppose it was written somewhere that  it was ment to be.  Hope that you all can finish your UFO's faster than I can!!! Happy Quilting on Halloween Day....

Julia is done, just needs me to quilt her now!!!

So exciting to finish my piecing on this patchwork, I am really pleased, my points are great, and my mitered borders look  great also.    Not bad if I say so myself.

Look what I did with a few days of vacation!!!

My funny tree  quilted by Cathy Franks I was so happy when I put the last stitch in my biais, at last it is finished!

Noé is just laughing away


Off to Jackie's today in the French country side near Carcassonne

CARCASSONNE NEAR CASTELNAUDARY IN JACKIES DINING ROOM! In  the living room  In the living room again in the living room and finally in the living room

My Halloween Nails!! Well, have to have fun sometimes..........


Julia block number 2 How time just flies by..........

Can't  imagine that I am so late in getting this other block going!! I posted on September 9 the first part and said in two weeks it should be done!!  Well, I won't say when the 11 others will be done, just have to guess.

Fishing this afternoon, calamari, and the sun set was great,


Snippets today in Palavas

I think everyone had a great time playing with this.  It is from the book  " More Snippet Sensations " by Cindy Walter

To good to be true

Well, I am super disappointed, but what can I do, wanted to sit down and cry but "big girls don't cry". Guess I have lots of other things to do, getting classes ready, and maybe getting my act in ship shape. I will really do a cleaning on Mom and get her all ready for when the card comes, and also study the way to get the M&M's on.  So guess I will be busy, and I can always day dream about all the great quilts that I will be able to do.

Mom has arrived!!! She is a spring Chickie from 2004

      Mom arrived on Wednesday, what a great day, but then,   OH NO  she's not working,  she needs a new circuit card!!!! Oh dear, that gives me time to order my M&Ms Think positive!!!      

Fall Wreath

Fall wreath made of 2 1/2 inch squares with some dimentional leaves

More!! Plus my Vermont Little Quilt made by the girls that came to Vermont with me,.


Tiss the season,, Halloween and Thanksgiving

No Halloween or Thanksgiving in France but that is OK, we have it at  our house, my deco is out so bad spirits just be on the look-out

Mom is upstairs and almost ready to go


my table

Looks like a big mess, but not really, Mom arrived tuesday and she has been cut to size. She will go upstairs tomorrow, and should have her all put together by the end of the week!!!!

My quilt that was quilted by Cathy Franks


sleeves on quilts, not the baguette!

The sleeve on the quilt that I received from Shannon is different from the ones that I have seen.  Look at the corners, they are squares folded in half on the diagonal and sewn down in the bias so that the dowel will not go past the quilt and will keep it nice and snug  once hanging Thought this was a great idea, so hope that it gives you some insight the next time you add on a sleeve.                                                                Don't forget your label!! It is the most important thing that has to go on the back of your quilt, this gives all the information on the quilt for generations to come.  


Just found this, beautiful city fabric, for all of your creative hands!! Sorry that I can not put a picture, but the Times Square fabric is beautiful.